

My ‘Sketches’ are a work in progress that is going to deal with the most memorable events in my life. In order to make myself known to you, I have included a background about my family and of Arne’s, my stepfather’s, family (in the Prologue). Of course my mother and her parents (and even her grand-mother) are introduced at some length — in Chapter One. And the story goes on about my youth, moving from one country to another, and from one era to another in my long life.

1 thought on “Sketches

  1. Siv I read your first chapter while I was searching under the name of Klinglund. It so touched me. It was as if I were living there, back then in your shoes. I live in Akron Ohio. USA. I have been doing family history research for awhile. My Gr. Grandfather was born in Oja, Smaland. Johan Magni Nilsson. He came to the United States when he was 21 and the oldest child in the family. He arrived in a little Michigan town called Whitehall. He met and married Sophia Maria Klinglund from Edsberg, Orebro. I have a long story, but in short, Our daughter gave my husband and I a trip to Sweden for our 50th wedding anniversary. She knows I have dreamed of going to the homeland for many years. We are coming in June. When I opened your blog and read your first chapter, it moved me to tears. I don’t have any stories told by my Great Grandfather but yours put me there as if I was there. Thank you so much. I hope to find some family there. I have found a cousin on Johans mothers side. A Lena Malm. I look forward to reading more of your story. Thankyou again. So Much!! Sharon Thomas.

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